Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New Study Promises Natural Relief For Arthritis Pain

Arthritis affects an estimated one in every five people in America - and although usually considered a malady of old age, it affects all ages. Approximately one in 250 children suffers along with their grand-parents.

membrane keyboard

Pain relief and reduction of stiffness is a multi-million dollar business. Along with both prescription and over-the-counter pain medications, supplements to ease arthritis fly off the shelves. In 2005, glucosamine and chondroitin alone accounted for 0 million in purchases.


But a new 60-day study shows that this expense may not be necessary.

According to a report in the journal Clinical Rheumatology, arthritis sufferer's joint pain and stiffness were reduced significantly by supplementing with 500 milligrams of eggshell membrane.

To come up with this conclusion, researchers assessed the participants' pain using an osteoarthritis index developed by the Western Ontario and McMasters Universities. Interestingly, they found that pain reduction with egg shell membrane was better than it had been in previous tests with glucosamine and chondroitin.

Granted, the study was small and more research needs to be done, but this looks promising. Sadly, most research is done on products that can be patented, and egg shell membrane doesn't fall into that category.

Since few people eat the shell membrane, the challenge for anyone wanting to try this cure would be to find a way to make it palatable, and to measure 500 milligrams. If more studies support these findings, my guess is that someone in the natural health industry will put it in a capsule.

We know that crushed egg shells are good for our gardens, I suppose because of the minerals they contain. Those same minerals could well be the reason why they offer arthritis relief.

I can attest to the fact that a multi-mineral supplement gives both my dog and my husband relief from arthritis. In fact, I credit it with saving my dog's life, because he was crippled before he began taking it and now he runs and plays like a youngster. The supplement we use is ArthroIonx, offered by VetIonx.

In addition, since the best defense is a good offense, preventing the onset of this dreaded ailment is a good idea. Get regular low-impact exercise that includes stretching, and keep your weight under control.

New Study Promises Natural Relief For Arthritis Pain



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