Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Are The Functions of Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

The omega 3 fatty acids are key elements in the good functioning of the human body. The smallest and the most important part of our body, the cells, are surrounded by a cell membrane. This membrane is composed mainly of fatty acids. The cellular membrane has a vital role in the cell's life, as it allows nutrients into the cell itself. In the same manner, it allows the quick removal of cell waste products. The cell membrane has to be integer and flexible to permit these substance changes.

membrane keypad

If the cell's membrane loses its integrity, it will not be able to hold water and nutrients. The cellular membrane allows for communication between cells, keeping body organs in good shape. If the membrane begins to lose its integrity, the cell will not be able to communicate with other cells. Scientists believe that one of the factors which favor the rapid growth of cancerous tumors is the loss of inter-cellular communication.


There is a close relationship between the types of fat we eat and the integrity and fluidity of cell membranes, as the membrane is made up of fats. One of the differences between the two types of fats, the omega 3 fatty acids and the saturated/hydrogenated fats is the way they behave at room temperature: the omega 3 fats are liquid in these conditions, while the hydrogenated fats are solid. Due to this reason, if you eat for a long period of time - many saturated fats, chances are that your cell membrane will be harder and will lack fluidity, whereas a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids will lead to more fluid cell membranes.

Recent studies have concluded that the omega 3 fatty acids play an important role in preventing breast cancer development. The November 2005 edition of the International Journal of Cancer publishes the results of the latest in vitro tests which show that when present in the cell membrane, omega 3 fatty acids help protect against breast cancer development. The study recommends adding cold water fish to your diet, as they are extremely rich in DHA and EPA, the most important omega 3 fatty acids.

Tests performed on lab rats previously implanted with breast cancer and which were given rich omega 3 aliments (fish oil) showed that their tumors have been reduced by as much as 20 to 25%.

What Are The Functions of Omega 3 Fatty Acids?



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