Thursday, August 11, 2011

What Can Affect Our Lungs?

There are many problems that can affect a very important part of our body, the lungs. Bronchitis is one of these diseases. It can be very unpleasant and even generate many more problems.

waterproof membrane

It is a respiratory problem that takes place when the mucous membrane in our lungs becomes inflamed. With time, the inflamed membrane grows thicker and can narrow, or even worse, shut down the airways in your lungs. As a result coughing may appear, together with phlegm and even lack of air.


Bronchitis can be acute or chronic. The acute bronchitis lasts somewhere between two and six weeks, whereas the chronic form can last even up to three years. People who suffer from asthma experience an inflammation similar to that of bronchitis and the disease is called asthmatic bronchitis.

The acute form of bronchitis can sometimes be accompanied by another infection in the upper part of the respiratory system. In almost all the cases, this is due to viral infection , but it can also be caused by a bacteria. If you do not suffer from other medical problems, the mucous membrane tends to recover after the lung infection has been cured. This can take up to one week.

Things are different if you suffer from the other type of bronchitis, the acute one. This condition is a long term one and needs serious treatment. Thought that was all? Wrong! Things get even worse if you are a person that smokes. The recovery is longer and slower.

The part of the lungs responsible for excess mucus, irritants are called cilia. This structure is very small and slender, like hair. When smoking, even one puff is enough to paralyze this structure for a while. So you can imagine what smoking up to a pack of cigarettes a day can do to these cilia: it makes you very vulnerable and increases considerable your chances of chronic bronchitis.

When the lungs are clogged with mucus, they become very vulnerable as well and you can develop infections very quickly, both viral or bacterial. These infections can do permanent damage to the airways as time goes by. This is a chronic condition of the pulmonary system, also known as COPD.

Bronchitis is common both in children and grownups. To treat bronchitis you do not need special medical attention. Treatments are very easy to follow. But if you cough blood, this is serious cause for concern and a doctor must be seen immediately.

What Can Affect Our Lungs?



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