Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Is a Membrane Sweep?

I have had personal experience with this, with both of my pregnancies I had a membrane sweep as I went past my due date by a few days for both. The first time I don't think it made much difference because I went into labour 4 days after and they say that if the membrane sweep is going to work you will probably go into labour within 48 hours. Now with my second child it definitely worked, I went into labour the next day.

membrane vacuum pump

I remember going for my ante-natal appointment to check my blood pressure as it had been high and she suggested that I had a membrane sweep. At this time I had no idea what this was and became very anxious about what was going to happen. The object of this article is to spread the word about what a membrane sweep is and what you should expect so that you will not feel so anxious about it when the time comes.


Now a membrane sweep is actually a form of induction and is usually performed once you have reached 40 weeks of pregnancy although can be performed anytime from 38 weeks. It is performed by your midwife or doctor by placing a finger inside your cervix and making a circular 'sweeping' motion to try and seperate the membranes from the cervix, this will cause hormones to be released which in turn could start labour. This is performed to try and increase the chances of labour happening spontaneously without the need for any other form of induction. Whatever you do you must not try to perform this procedure yourself this must always be performed by a registered healthcare provider.

As the midwife/doctor is performing this procedure they will be able to tell if your cervix is favourable or not favourable, what I mean by that is, if your cervix is favourable it will be soft and already starting to open up a little from all those braxton hicks contractions you have been having. On my second visit I remember the midwife telling me that my cervix was already 1-2cm dilated, at that point I got very anxious as I knew 'it was time'.

This procedure does not hurt but does feel a little strange, after the procedure I felt some very low back ache and I had a little bleeding. Before you start to panic, this is normal and I went into labour the next day. Good luck.

What Is a Membrane Sweep?



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